The research group of the will organize workshops and dissemination initiatives on the three thematic areas of the BERN Project:
i) Recruitment policies and the management of the entry of migrant workers;
ii) Salvage at sea between the obligation to rescue and State sovereignty;
iii) Procedural and substantive developments concerning forms of international protection
During the workshops, it will be possible to listen to and interact directly with a number of stakeholders.
Participation to the workshops will be free and open to the general public. For more information, please send an email to:
More information on the workshops will be provided in due course.
The research group will also participate to other events which enable exchange of ideas on the thematic areas of the BERN Project.
Sharper – European Researchers’ Night
Cagliari, 30 september 2022
Orto Botanico, Via Sant’Ignazio da Laconi, 11
The BERN Project participated with the podcast “Lettera all’amico rimasto” (“Mail to the friend who stayed”, only in Italian). The podcast takes inspirations from a blogpost addressing the issue of collective expulsions of asylum seekers, in line with the topic of the BERN Project.
The podcast is part of the initiative “Collezioni sonore ispirate dalla ricerca” (“Playlists inspired by researches”, only in Italian), and will be available through a QR Code.
More info on Sharper 2022:
More info on “Collezioni sonore ispirate dalla ricerca”:…/gioco-collezioni-sonore…/
All the podcasts from “Collezioni sonore ispirate dalla ricerca” are available at: :…/storie-sonore-sharpernight…
Settembre della ricerca a Monserrato
Monserrato, 15 september 2022 – Casa della Cultura, via Giulio Cesare, 37
The welcoming side of Europe. The activation of the temporary protection for people fleeing from the war in Ukraine (Il volto accogliente dell’Europa. L’attivazione della “protezione temporanea” per chi fugge dalla guerra in Ucraina)
As is known, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been causing a mass flow of people escaping from the conflict. In order to manage such massive inflow of displaced persons, has activated the temporary protection. This instrument pursues the specific aim to allow the management of emergency situation of mass influxes of individual from non-EU Countries while, at the same time, avoiding an excessive pressure on the national asylum systems of EU member States.
This is the first time that the EU activates such form of protection, although in the past there had been situations of mass influxes of displaced persons from non-EU Countries – such as in 2011 and 2012, when people flew form North-African States, o in 2015, when Syrian arrived in the EU from the Balkan route.
The speakers engaged with the audience and will try to address the most interesting elements of this form of protection.
The speakers were: Dr. Giulia Ciliberto (International Law), Eleonora Pintus (PhD candidate, International Law), Dr Rossella Carta (Constitutional Law). Prof. Luca Ancis (Maritime Law) acted as Chair.
The event was part of the 2022 Sharper Night – European Researchers’ Night (