Research group

The research group will organize workshops and dissemination initiatives on the relevant thematic areas, which will be open to the general public. In this way, it will be possible to listen to and interact directly with a number of stakeholders that are sometimes neglected in purely academic research.

UNICA - Dipartimento Giurisprudenza

Members of the research group

Luca Ancis

Luca Ancis

Is the Principal Investigator of the BERN project. He holds a PhD in Maritime Law & Transportation and is Associate Professor of Maritime Law at the Department of Law of the University of Cagliari. His main research topics concern maritime law and aviation law. He has extensively published scientific papers on these issues, about which he also has a wide-ranging teaching experience, including in the context of summer courses, masters, and EU funded projects.  He is editor in chief of high qualified scientific journals and has participated as a speaker in several international conferences.
He has worked for several years as a volunteer in the field of legal advice to regular and non-regular migrants with the association COmitato SArdo di Solidarietà (Sardinian Solidarity Committee) and in 2019 he was actively involved in a public meeting for in-depth analysis and legal checking on the “Italian response to migration through the Mediterranean Sea”.

Valentina Corona

Valentina Corona

holds a PhD in Maritime Law and is Associate Professor of Maritime Law at the Department of Law of the University of Cagliari. She has a considerable teaching experience in the Master’s Degree in Law and in post-graduate courses. She has been a member of several research groups and performs editorial activities for Italian scientific journals.

Daniele Amoroso

Daniele Amoroso

holds a PhD in Law & Economics (SUM) and is Associate Professor of International and EU Law at the Department of Law of the University of Cagliari. He performs several editorial activities for well-known scientific journals and has carried out a number of research periods abroad. He also delivered lectures in foreign institutions. His current research interests include human rights, migration issues and autonomous weapons systems.

Maria Francesca Cortesi

Maria Francesca Cortesi

graduate in Law with the highest mark at the University of Cagliari and is Appointed associate professor in criminal procedure at the Department of Law of the same University.
She has been member of several national research projects and has spent a number of research periods abroad.

Stefania Puddu

Stefania Puddu

holds a PhD in Computerized Administrative Law and Public Communication and is Associate professor of Administrative Law at the University of Cagliari. She has an extensive teaching experience in Administrative Law in the Master’s Degree in Law and in the School of Specialization of the Legal Professions. She is member of the editorial staff of Italian scientific journals.

Giulia Ciliberto

Giulia Ciliberto

is a Research Fellow at the Department of Law of the University of Cagliari. She obtained her Law Degree (2017) and her PhD (2021) at University of Napoli Federico II. She was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law at CNR-IRISS, Napoli (2021). Her current research interests include International and EU migration law and the protection of international socio-economic rights in the context of sovereign debt crises. She has published scientific papers on these topics in leading journals and collective volumes. In February 2021, she passed the Italian Bar Exam.

Silvia Izzo

Silvia Izzo

holds a PhD in Domestic and International Arbitration Law from Luiss University and is currently Associate Professor of Civil Procedural Law and Judicial System at the Department of Law of the University of Cagliari, alongside teaching at the Post Graduate School for Legal Profession of the same University.
She has taught Civil Procedure in many Universities and Post Graduate Schools.
She has spent research periods abroad and is member of the editorial committee of several scientific journals. She has also coordinated a number of research projects and member of several research groups. She is of Counsel of the Italian Bar Association. Her main research interests include arbitration, labour law and migration issues.

Stefano Tatti

Stefano Tatti

holds a PhD in Law of Digital Administration and Public Communication and is Researcher in Administrative Law at the University of Cagliari. He has a significant teaching experience in several undergraduate’s and masters’ courses. He is the author of a number of reports on, among which, human rights and participated as a speaker in a number of conferences.

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